######################### ## rules for naming files ## written on 2010/01/22 ## revised on 2010/02/01 ## revised on 2010/02/02 ## Nobutaka Ito ######################### 1. rules for naming files in the database 1-1. mixture files ./[DATA_TYPE]/[DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].wav where [DATA_TYPE] :== Dev || Test1 || Test2 where Dev : development dataset Test1: test dataset in which noise is recorded in exactly the same place as in the development dataset Test2: test dataset in which noise is recorded in an environment which is of the same type as but different from in the development dataset [NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] :== 2ch || 4ch where 2ch: 2 channels 4ch: 4 channels [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] :== 1src || 3src where 1src: 1 source 3src: 3 sources [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE] :== Su || Ca || Sq where Su: subway Ca: cafeteria Sq: square [LOCATION] :== Ce || Co, if [ENVIRONMENT_TYPE] == Ca || Sq :== Ce, if [ENVIRONMRNT_TYPE] == Su where Ce: center Co: corner [SAMPLE] := A || B [FILE_KIND] :== Mix where Mix: mixture Notes: the number of channels of the mixture files is the same as [NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]. For example, if [NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS] == 4, the corresponding mixture file is a 4 channel .wav file. The m-th channel of a mixture file contains the recording by the m-th microphone. 1-2. source image files and the noise files ./[DATA_TYPE]/[DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].wav where [FILE_KIND] :== SrcImg1 || SrcImg2 || SrcImg3 || Noise, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 3 :== SrcImg || Noise, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 1 where SrcImg1: image of source 1 SrcImg2: image of source 2 SrcImg3: image of source 3 SrcImg : image of the source (1 source case) Noise : noise Notes: the other parameters are defined in the same manner as for the mixture file. The source image files and the noise files are not provided to participants except for the development dataset. The number of channels of these files is the same as [NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]. The m-th channel of these files contains the recording by the m-th microphone. 1-3. monaural source files ./[DATA_TYPE]/[DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].wav where [FILE_KIND] :== Src1 || Src2 || Src3, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 3 :== Src, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 1 where Src1: source 1 ` Src2: source 2 Src3: source 3 Src : source (1 source case) Notes: other parameters are defined in the same manner as for the mixture files. The monaural files are not provided to participants except for the development dataset. 1-4. DOA files ./[DATA_TYPE]/[DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].txt where [FILE_KIND] :== DOA Note: the other parameters are defined in the same manner as for the mixture files. The source DOAs are written in this file in the following way: (3 source case) [DOA1] [DOA2] [DOA3] [EOF] (1 source case) [DOA] [EOF] where [DOA1]: DOA of source 1 [DOA2]: DOA of source 2 [DOA3]: DOA of source 3 [DOA] : DOA of the source (1 source case) 2. rules for naming files to be submitted by participants 2-1. source image estimate files and the noise estimate files [DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].wav where [FILE_KIND] :== SrcImgEst1 || SrcImgEst2 || SrcImgEst3 || NoiseEst, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 3 :== SrcImgEst || NoiseEst, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 1 where SrcImgEst1: estimated image of source 1 SrcImgEst2: estimated image of source 2 SrcImgEst3: estimated image of source 3 SrcImgEst : estimated image of the source (1 source case) NoiseEst : estimated noise 2-2. monaural source estimate files [DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].wav where [FILE_KIND] :== SrcEst1 || SrcEst2 || SrcEst3, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 3 :== SrcEst, if [NUMBER_OF_SOURCES] == 1 where SrcEst1: estimated source 1 ` SrcEst2: estimated source 2 SrcEst3: estimated source 3 SrcEst : estimated source (1 source case) 2-3. DOA estimate files [DATA_TYPE]_[NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS]_[NUMBER_OF_SOURCES]_[ENVIRONMENT_TYPE]_[LOCATION]_[SAMPLE]_[FILE_KIND].txt where [FILE_KIND] :== DOAEst